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Fettle Flier: iheartff

Hey #FineFettleFam, welcome to another issue of the Fettle Flier! Have you placed your preorder yet? Use promo code iheartff when you place your online order from now until Saturday 02/22/20 and...
Cannabis plant

Fettle Flier: Transfer Myths Busted!

Hey #FineFettleFam, welcome again to another issue of the Fettle Flier! Lately we’ve been talking to a lot of CT MMP patients who have been misinformed about the transfer process, so today before the...
Fine Fettle dispensary logo

Fettle Flier: Breezing Through January

Hey #FineFettleFam, welcome again to the Fettle Flier! I hope your 2020 is off to a great start! Do you have any resolutions this year? Well, I think that you're perfect the way that you are, but if...
Employees of Fine Fettle

Fettle Flier: Welcome to 2020!

Hey Fine Fettle Fam, welcome to issue four of the Fettle Flier! I hope you spent your holidays celebrating with friends and family and are as excited for the new year as I am. You were in the spirit...
Debbie, manager at Fine Fettle Willimantic

Fine Fettle Flier #3

Hey, Fine Fettle Fam! Shane here, welcoming you to issue three of the Fettle Flier! Did you enjoy Fettle Fest? You guys kept us busy by taking advantage of the 20% discount to stock up on your...
Fine Fettle employees at Fettle Fest

Fine Fettle Flier #2 - Location, Ingestion, and New Products

Fine Fettle Facts We make it a point to answer every DM, review every comment, and engage with all patients in the Connecticut Medical Marijuana Program (CTMMP). There are three elements of Fine...
Fine fettle dispensary interior

Fine Fettle Flier #1 - Get Ready for Fettle Fest

Hey there, Fine Fettle Fam! Welcome to the very first issue of our newsletter! We’ve put this together to share some information about our upcoming events, as well as some of the latest research into...
Employees visiting Theraplant growing facility

Fine Fettle Loyalty Program

Join the Fine Fettle Loyalty Program and, in addition to our wide range of cannabis products and accessories, you’ll get access to exclusive monthly rewards, special giveaways, promotional events, and much more!